Portuguese Spot > Products > Vermuiz > Gin Vermuiz 杜松子酒/琴酒 700ml 42% VOL

Gin Vermuiz 杜松子酒/琴酒 700ml 42% VOL

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Vermuiz gin makes a perfect blend of citrus flavors with spices and herbs. Vermuiz was developed over two months by a distiller with extensive experience in the area. Juniper and coriander are essential pillars of Vermuiz.

Combined they achieve the right balance so that a freshness invades the mouth and awakens all the senses. And if the instant palate is long, the end of the mouth tastes like spices without ever forgetting the taste of lemon and grapefruit.

Vermuiz 杜松子酒或琴酒(Vermuiz gin)將柑橘,香料和香草完美融合。 Vermuiz 透過其豐富經驗和兩個多月的蒸餾時間創了這琴酒。杜松子和芫茜是Vermuiz 釀酒的重要原料。

結合杜松子和芫茜,可以達到適當的平衡,讓Vermuiz 琴酒更清新並喚醒你的所有感官。喝的時候口中會有香料的味道,當然也不能忘記檸檬和葡萄柚的味道。



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